Redemption Alhambra - Affordable Christmas 2020 Volunteer SignUp
Thank you for your desire to volunteer at Affordable Christmas held at Redemption Alhambra on Saturday, December 19th from 7:30a-12p! We couldn't host this event without the help of all our volunteers. Our goal is to place you in your volunteer area of choice if we are able to, so please provide your feedback below.
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Email *
Full Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Do you currently attend a Redemption Church congregation? If yes, please specify which.
Please select your preferred volunteer area. : *
Please check other volunteer areas you are willing to serve at during the Affordable Christmas event: *
Which shift(s) are you available for? Check all that apply. *
Have you been background checked by any Redemption congregation to serve in Kids Ministry? *
If yes, which congregation?
Do you speak Spanish? *
We will have a 1-hour volunteer training Wednesday, December 16th at 7pm. Please indicate if you will attend: *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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